I won't be buying Us Magazine again. Hat tip to Michelle Malkin, who has more, including the Obama comparison cover.
An under-covered element of the media bias in this election has been the women's magazines clear advocacy for Obama. Until now, they've ignored the Republican side of the political equation. This hatchet job might backfire, and make more women see Palin sympathetically or like she's someone they know. After all, women liked Princess Diana more after her life turned out to be less than perfect.
Here are the advertisers in that issue of US. I got this post from the US website where 99% of the comments are against their position and advocating boycott.
" Here are some of the sponsors, for all of you who are just as outraged as I am.
Cover Girl....Neutrogena.....Coca Cola/Powerade....Pepperidge Farm....Lady Foot Locker....CW....TRESemme....M&Ms....Olay...ABC...RID...
Jack in the Box....Glaxo Smith Klein...food network...Target....Wrigley's.
..Special K....McDonalds....NutriSystem....WalGreen's...Figi Water....
and Sony.
In addition to boycotting this piece of trash mag....I urge each of you to boycott these sponsors, until they pull advertising dollars away from US!!!!!"
Keep this one going Copy and paste. These are the sponsors of the trashy magazine."
Good post. Apparently US is following the lead of Time, which plastered Obama's face on their cover 7 times in 2008.
Talk about reverse affirmative action!
First: US Magazine is a gossip/entertainment magazine so yea their profiles are going to focus on family life and gossip.
Second: Booo Hoo for you. Obama has a nice family without any problems. Maybe this is just because his kids are too young to be getting into trouble or maybe he just has better family values than Palin. Either way, because Obama's family seems to be happy and without problems at the moment hardly entitles Palin to a softball cover. In other words, if her kid didn't get knocked up or her sister didn't get her involved with her custody fight she too could have the cover of 'look at her five cute kids and loving husband'
Great site! I have just given you a mention on my little blog! It will be fun watching your readership grow and grow!
Yeah Booten, then WHERE is the Us story on Edwards, HMMMM? Why does Us put outright LIES right on the cover insinuating that she didn't admit her daughter's pregnancy until she was attacked by MSM? That's TOTAL RUBBISH! She never fired her sister's husband/trooper - another LIE. "Embarrassing Surprises" - that one's correct because it describes the radical left who are obviously scared to death of her.
I received a free subscription to US Weekly a couple months ago. Free or not, I asked them to cancel my subscription. I don't need this biased garbage in my home.
Where is the Edwards story? Who the hell is Edwards? Politicians don't usually rank high in celebrity/gossip journalism & by the time the National Enq. broke his story he was long out of the race.
As for when the pregnancy story really broke. The National Enq. says it first went to the boy's family and told them they were going to run the story. Then it was announced. Hardly clear who was really responding to whom.
More to the point, there's no sexism here and no bias. Sorry folks, Obama has a happy family. Palin has one with problems. US's cover followed suit
BTW, since you want to know where the Edwards story is....where is the US Magazine coverstories on Vitter or Craig for that matter?
I have a suggestion for an alternate cover.
Why Sarah Loves Her Son
(So much so that she refused to give him up in the knowledge that she will have to take care of him for the rest of her life.)
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