Monday, September 1, 2008

Wisconsin's Lieutenant Governor: Palin is too "fragile"

Maybe Wisconsin's Lieutenant Governor, Barbara Lawton, has a supply of smelling salts handy in case the "fragile" Sarah Palin can't handle the job. Lawton's own lengthy biography can be found here.

The Associated Press reported:
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin would make a "pretty fragile" president, Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton said Friday as politicians trotted out their talking points on Republican presidential hopeful John McCain's surprise vice presidential pick.


Anonymous said...

Fragile? ROFLMAO.

This is a woman who hunts big game.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Hillary was supposed to win the Democratic primary. I also think that Hillary could have beaten McCain easily. But now we have a real race.

jay stevens
jay stevens

Anonymous said...

Ain't no animal in Wisconsin that would be safe from Sarahcuda. Fragile my big round...

Gabriel Thy said...

But somehow it seems that anyone with or without a voters' registration card is qualified to criticize anybody from who has ever stood for office from dogcatcher to the president.

Anonymous said...

Fragile? This Wisconsin person went to a couple of cut-rate schools, collected some honorary degrees with little value and has accomplished a grand total of... ummm... nothing. Wow. I'm impressed. Thank God I live in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Barabara Lawton criticizing Sarah Palin? That's as laughable as Barack Obama comparing his life experience to John McCain.

Lt. Governor Lawton has no resume to speak of. She has not done anything to prepare herself to be Governor of Wisconsin....and she chooses to cast stones?

What a laugh, Barbie.

Anonymous said...

You said it - another reason to make sure Obama does not win. He might appoint Gov. Doyle to a Washington job and we would be left with Lawton as governor.

Anonymous said...

I agree with "The Family Guy". On what do you base your silly remark, Lieutenant Governor? I suppose Sarah needing smelling salts is what got her the nickname "Barricuda Sarah"? Are you sure you aren't "projecting" here?