Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Palin sexism... on a stock site?

Reader writes:

If you have the stomach for it, look at what a Moderator (Not just some schlub) has to say about Sarah Palin and the Bush Twins (Yes, this sort of sexism is going to extend way beyond just Palin, thanks to our media).


Look at the second post from wolf825 (Might get deleted). I'll put it here for you so you can see what sort of trash is going around on all sorts of websites (Again, this is a stock website and this guy is a moderator of a stock website!)
"The boyfriend should stand next to her proudly at the convention with a tee shirt that says "Ya I hit that...hard. ---> ". and on the back it should read "Vote YES for under-age sex--end statutory rape laws now!".

What would be ironic is if the daughter wanted an abortion..but hey I look at this goes a long way to promoting the type of "free love" and irresponsible way she raised her kid as an example to the voting public when it will come down to how schools and parents should think about these things later on.. "But mom---Palins daughter got knocked up and her mom was OK with it--and SHE is VICE PRESIDENT..." The only thing that could have been funnier is if this was not her FIRST time pregnant...

I know it votes a big confidence towards the republicans that Palin's daughter is about as "reckless" as the Bush daughters--another similarity to the current administration...except the Bush whores are smart enough to use condoms..heck knowing how the Bush gals party they probably have a permanent plastic liner sewn into their yaks that can easily be hosed out..

Ok that was a bit crude even for me...well not really...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were right, I couldn't stand it.

Hopefully, if every woman this guy knows reads that misogynist crap, the only thing he'll be "hittin' hard" is his fist.