Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New York Post: Palin has "crash course" with world leaders

How come Obama's meetings with foreign leaders weren't dubbed a "crash course"?

And casting Kissinger as the "teacher"

Idaho Mountain Express headline:
Sarah (‘I’m ready!’) Palin takes cram course


CT Bob said...

How come Obama's meetings with foreign leaders weren't dubbed a "crash course"?

Ummm...maybe because Palin has only been on the national stage for 27 days, and Obama's been meeting with foreign leaders and learning policy for well over a year?

If you had to study to take the most difficult test of your life, would you prefer a year, or less than a month?

Anonymous said...

How come Obama's meetings with foreign leaders weren't dubbed a "crash course"?

Not only that, but he majored in PoliSci with a specialization in International Relations.

(rather than what? journalism?)

Anonymous said...

anon, did he also do his thesis on real life experience?