Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So-called feminist admits: She thinks about murdering Palin

"What I feel for her privately could be described as violent, nay, murderous, rage. When Palin spoke on Wednesday night, my head almost exploded from the incandescent anger boiling in my skull. And I'm not the only one! I had simultaneous IM conversations with many friends, who said things like, "she seems like a fucking monster" and "this feminist wants to murk that idiotic cunt."
Read further and you discover she's really upset because Palin reminds her of the Homecoming Queen.


Jadis said...

And people wonder why a strong woman such as myself wants NOTHING do to with the modern feminist movement?!?

Imagine if a man had said such things about Hillary - the idiot who wrote this garbage would be foaming at the mouth with outrage.

How in the hell can these people NOT see their own hypocrisy?!?

Amy said...

And people wonder why a strong woman such as myself wants NOTHING do to with the modern feminist movement?!?

AMEN, Jadis. Amen.

How in the hell can these people NOT see their own hypocrisy?!?

Because when everything (especially morals) are relative - as liberals think they are - it's okay to be a big, flaming hypocrite because you have no code with which to measure your behavior.

But it should be alarmingly clear to any woman with a brain that THIS is how liberals treat you if you don't shut up and act like an Obama robot.

Ciccina said...

I can't even begin to describe how upset I am from reading those comments (well, the first 20, anyway) at Jezebel. First of all, thank you so much for posting the link here.... this is something every single person who calls herself a feminist needs to address head on. The comments at Jezebel were frightening, disgusting, disturbing.... I can't believe these people don't see in themselves the same misogynist rage, the same violent language, that they would condemn if coming from anyone else. Good lord, they are talking about wanting to assault, sexually assault ("kick her square in the uterus") and murder a woman because she has different political positions. This is pure insanity.

I am a dyed-in-the-wool feminist, both personally and as someone who has worked professionally for feminist organizations for the last 15+ years. And I have to echo Jadis' comment - I want nothing to do with these people either (who in their right mind would!!!!) with one caveat.

These self-proclaimed "feminists" - no matter what they call themselves, no matter how many of them there are right now - do not represent feminism. (For the sake of an analogy, they are to real feminism what Operation Rescue was to the majority of people who hold a pro-life position). Feminism has been a political force - sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker - at least since the 1700s and Mary Wollstonecraft's treatise A Vindication of the Rights of Women. There are feminist movements in every country around the world. Feminism is HUGE. These pipsqueaks at Jezebel have no clue what they are talking about.

I am glad that The New Agenda is working towards dealing with this issue within the feminist movement. If I didn't have an outlet, my head would explode.

Amy, I agree with your point about moral relativism. That is certainly true of the people at Jezebel and a lot of liberals/progressives. Obviously they have one set of rules for themselves, and another set of rules for other people. Disgusting.

But that's not real feminism. If you look among the women and men who actually work on feminist issues in real life - like, for example, those who work for UN women's programs like UNFPA, UNIFEM, or UNAIDS - they are not like this. They have a cross-cultural, trans-national perspective and realize that there is one standard of rights, one standard of equal treatment. All women are equal, not just women who look or act or think a certain way. And all men are equal too. The women and men who work for Planned Parenthood are the same way - they provide services for everyone, female and male, at the same standard, regardless of ideology, religion, culture or what have you.

The spoiled, lazy-thinking, resentful, nasty, selfish, trifling amateurs at blogs like Jezebel who spew this hateful, hateful crap do not and cannot be allowed to represent real feminism and the real good it has done in the world.

Sorry for the rant but I am utterly horrified by what I read.

Anonymous said...

"Imagine if a man had said such things about Hillary - the idiot who wrote this garbage would be foaming at the mouth with outrage."

Actually, since it's apparent from her comment that she's not really a feminist, but just enjoys the bumper stickers, she's probably one who laughed along at the Hillary-Hate and thought Obama's shoulder-brushing jesture was super-cool. I'd bet she thinks Keith Olbermann is the awesomesauce too.

Anonymous said...

I'm struck by two things. First, there's the readiness of women to hate and speak lethally about other women, also demonstrated by the vicious hate campaign against Hillary Clinton (still the only viable Presidential candidate, especially when compared to the two male nominees competing to be most bland and reassuringly conformist). Secondly there's the way the internet invites such extreme and violent acts of speech-outrage, from men and women, and on every issue under the sun. Thanks to cyber space the dark and primitive areas of the human brain are fumbling their way into the light.